EPCs Now Mandatory For Rented Properties November 18th, 2008 |
As from today, landlords must issue an Energy Performance Certificate, free of charge, for all new tenancies - or face charges of up to £200 per property.
The certificates, which are valid for a period of ten years, must be issued by an accredited energy assessor and will rate the energy efficiency of a property from A-G, with A being the highest and G the lowest.
As part of the EPC, assessors can recommend measures that landlords can take to improve their rating; however, they're under no obligation to implement any changes.
To coincide with EPCs becoming a legal requirement, the Communities and Local Government (CLG) surveyed renters to find out their priorities and concerns when it came to renting.
They - conveniently, perhaps - discovered that that 79 per cent of renters are worried about household bills, with 22 per cent saying the level of bills had 'an extreme effect' on choosing a property to rent.
When it came to questions to ask potential landlords, 35 per cent of respondents ranked council tax in their top three queries, closely followed by 34 per cent listing household bills as one of their main issues.
Over a quarter (27 per cent) of renters regretted not having asked their landlords about household bills before they had signed their lease.
EPCs: "A Real Opportunity"
Commenting, Communities Minister Iain Wright, said: "Energy Performance Certificates offer tenants and landlords a real opportunity.
"The certificate provides clear information on a building's energy efficiency and recommends cost effective improvements.
"The EPC should be welcomed by tenants who are looking for better value and more energy efficient rental properties, as well as landlords who are, more than ever, keen to attract responsible and committed tenants."
Ian Potter, Head of Operations, Association of Residential Letting Agents (ARLA), agreed: "Landlords should get their EPCs sorted out as quickly as possible so that they are ahead of the game when it comes to re-letting a property.
"Every landlord hates void periods and needs to be in the position to react quickly when an existing tenancy ends.
"Equally, tenants may be interested in energy efficiency - some for green motivations, but more as indication of their fuel bills. A happy tenant is a longstanding one."
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