Modern kitchen and bathrooms may help landlords rent property March 12th, 2009 |
As buy-to-let investors find the market getting more competitive, the National Landlords Association (NLA) has suggested that having a modern bathroom and kitchen can attract tenants.
As buy-to-let investors find the market getting more competitive, the National Landlords Association (NLA) has suggested that having a modern bathroom and kitchen can attract tenants.
Those looking to rent have increasingly high standards and expect more from their properties, according to the NLA.
Simon Gordon, head of communications at the NLA, said: "Landlords often find that they need to make improvements to their properties in order to attract tenants."
Other ways to attract tenants include making sure a property is newly decorated and kept to a high standard and putting wooden flooring down.
The NLA say that some landlords are turning to technology to increase the "rentability" of their property. Digital TVs and broadband connection are used by some investors as "tenant traps".
According to the Private Landlords Survey in 2006, 22 per cent of landlords believed their property was in an "excellent condition" and a further 56 per cent of landlords rated their properties as "good".
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